Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

lensaku njamur :(

gara gara kebanyakan maen di tempat yang ekstrim.
kelewat panas sampai kelewat dingin.

lensa kameraku same njamur :(
kalo sampe malang bisa dimarahin orang rumah ini.

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

orkestra dan rock alternative

last event in auditorium musik seni pertunjukan. 
orchestra and rock alternative in one stage !

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

bermain dan dipermainkan

karya 15 menit lebih dikit,
sebenarnya aku yang bermain apa aku yang dipermainkan ?
bukannya aku mainan boneka kayu,
tapi aku cuma badut yang bergerak karena keingnan pria bertopi serigala
sepertinya aku membenci skema rantai permainan ini.
ravenhatecover !

Winnie the Pooh

I went to Disney with my wife's family this holiday season.  They're fanatics - my wife has been there 19 times, and the rest of the family 14.  I hadn't been there since 1989, and wasn't enthusiastic about it (other than having a week's vacation and spending time with Irish Spring's family, who are genuinely fun...when they're not behaving like lunatics in Disney's theme parks).  I'd rather go see Paris than have a crepe in EPCOT France, and since the parks are designed for children (when I don't have any...yet), I didn't think I'd have a great time.

It turns out I had a better time than expected.  Except for one day...the day we spent at Magic Kingdom.

When I was in second grade, Miss Ackerman had us write a short story.  My story was titled, "Winnie the Pooh gets lost in the woods".  It probably wasn't very good, but it had a point - that Winnie was a stupid little shit that couldn't figure out by opening his (its?) hand, Pooh could get the damn honey jar off.  Somehow an entire story was built around this anthropomorphic bear being stupid as shit.  I saw it for what it was, even at age 6.  In my story, I killed him.  Hell, if he couldn't figure out how to get a honey jar of his hand, he certainly couldn't survive getting lost in the woods, right?

That story earned me a trip to the school psychologist.  I guess I was deemed safe to other students, and in the long run I forgave Miss Ackerman, probably because I had a crush on her.  But I never lost my hatred for Pooh.  Piglet was fine, Tigger was a coked-out lunatic, and I even named a student of mine Ee-yore.  But the central figure of A.A. Milne's stories I still rejected.

On the third day on vacation, we spent the day at Magic Kingdom.  My wife's family arrived at 8 am when the park opened, and rushed around making sure they hit all the rides before the crowds arrived.  Irish Spring and I decided to sleep in, as neither of us thought it important to ride Pirates of the Caribbean at 8 am when sleep beckoned.  We agreed to meet up with her family after their adrenalin-fueled morning for breakfast at the Crystal Palace Restaurant.  Irish Spring's sister Fan Club President's eyes lit up every time one mentioned their breakfast buffet.  We had reservations for ten.

My wife and I arrived a little late for circumstances that do not involve this story.  What is pertinent is that the Milne characters were the mascots of the Crystal Palace.  Tigger, Piglet, and yes...that stupid bear Pooh.  My in-laws knew my hatred for Pooh, and made efforts to get Pooh to come to our table.  I played along with it, running to the bathroom when Pooh got close, and made comments.  I think I may have gone a bit too far - the In-Laws suspected I feared Pooh rather than hated.

In the end, Pooh came over to us and pictures were taken with it.  I decided to make up for years of despising it.  As Winnie came to me for a photo-op, I said, "Pooh, I've hated you for 43 years.  I guess it's time we made up."  I then gave Pooh a hug...sort of.  As I leaned in, I failed to gauge how wide the mascot actually was.  My head was around the back, and my left hand came to rest on Pooh's chest.

Here for years, I thought Pooh was a boy.  My left hand could provide testimony that Pooh is, in fact, a female.  Embarrassingly, I wound up groping a cartoon character.  

Fucking Pooh.

Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

I hate my new hair cut !

setelah hampir seminggu potongan kayak anak SMA
mungkin uda mulai terbiasa dengan potongan rambut seperti ini
2012 adalah tahun dimana banyak perubahan dalam hidup saya
hahaha, perubahan apa ?

lirik saykoji - jalan panjang

kadang harapan itu telah habis,
kadang udah patah semangat
untuk lanjutin jalan yang dulu pernah ditulis

kadang ga ada yang ngetiin kita.
kadang kita harus bergerak sendiri 
untuk merubah semuanya
kadang jalan masih begitu panjang
bahkan kita masih terlalu muda untuk berhenti berjuang.

ditengah semua keputusasaan ini.
#nowplaying saykoji - jalan panjang

apapun mereka bilang
tekadku takkan hilang
jalanku masih panjang
garis akhir yang kupandang

apapun mereka bilang
tekadku takkan hilang
jalanku masih panjang
garis akhir yang kupandang
memandang akhir dari awal merombak takdir
mengubah kecil kemungkinan jadi kocar kacir
sejarah mulai saat ku melangkah hari ini
tantangan menghadangku mencibir mari sini

terseok mata kaki tegar di mata hati
membuang kebiasaan buruk tuk meratapi
kantong yang kosong ringankan gerak
waktu kan mengisi pundi dengan emas dan perak

seuntai kata hadir di dalam benak
kalimat terangkai menjadi bait nan genap
sempit dan gelap jadi luas dan terang
pijakan makin kokoh cahaya pun benderang

ingatlah kesombongan awal kehancuran
lupakan nurani saat harta bertaburan
kilau gemerlap buat gerak tak beraturan
duduk terjatuh di atas rencana yang berhamburan

apapun mereka bilang
tekadku takkan hilang
jalanku masih panjang
garis akhir yang kupandang

apapun mereka bilang
tekadku takkan hilang
jalanku masih panjang
garis akhir yang kupandang

jadi ijinkanku belajar tak angkuh
lemaskan lenganku yang pegal berpangku
cibiran banyak orang buatku terpaku
pedasnya mulut bagai didikan berlabuh

ingat atas langit masih ada langit
paradigmaku meledak bagai dinamit
terasa sakit tapi tersadar dari mimpi
bagai bantuan tersamar tamparan di pipi

tak langsung begitu dapat ku mengerti
tak juga kapalku berlabuh tuk menepi
sampai satu hari tersentak dan tersadar
proses harus dilewati dengan bersabar

jauh berakar di dalam musik dan lirikku
terdapat kapasitas tanpa batas diriku
yang tersembunyi terbuai bantalan empuk
terimakasih untuk kalian yang nimpuk

apapun mereka bilang
tekadku takkan hilang
jalanku masih panjang
garis akhir yang kupandang

apapun mereka bilang
tekadku takkan hilang
jalanku masih panjang
garis akhir yang kupandang

apapun mereka bilang
tekadku takkan hilang
jalanku masih panjang
garis akhir yang kupandang

apapun mereka bilang
tekadku takkan hilang
jalanku masih panjang
garis akhir yang kupandang

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Milk It: Collected Musings On The Alternative Music Explosion Of The '90s

Milk It: Collected Musings on the Alternative Music Explosion of the '90s
Milk It: Collected Musings on the Alternative music Explosion of the '90s Description:
Taking its title with suitable slacker irony from a song on Nirvana's In Utero, Milk It! is an anthology of pieces written in the heat of the moment-an urgent and diverse overview that mirrors the chaotic rush of the postmodern sounds it covers. Headnotes and connective material-the "stories behind the stories"-provide running commentary on the music business, rock criticism, a troubled generation, and an attempt to put the fast-moving alternative-rock era in perspective from the safe distance of the comparatively bland new millennium. Compiled by a critic who shared the Generation X outlook, attitude, and biting sense of humor with the musicians that he covered-Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Hole, and many others-Milk It! is the first serious attempt to chart the alternative music scene. Compelling, amusing, and provocative, Milk It! captures the excitement of an era, and reckons with its enduring influence.


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