Minggu, 06 November 2011

Drawing lovers #3 ~ event

event menarik setahun sekali. dan yang ke #3 ini mengangkat tema elektronik,
format pameran via LCD projector @sangring art space

keren dan temanya masuk banget, dan yg lebih kerennya lg. 
Yusuf Habibi jadi salah satu artist yang memeriahkan DL#3 ~ hore
malu aku aslinya, karyaku paling ancur dari mereka mereka.
ya gaapalah ~ maklum newbie.

band pembukannya Belka Sterka ~ band genre tecno space.
ntar tgl 24 nov maulaunching album juga di teater galaksi. ~ nonton ah ~

foto katalog pameran

pas kemaren mau ada pemotretan katalog pameran, 
titik api lagi motretin satu satu hasil karya utk dijadikan katalog,

banyak karya karya keren disini ~ yeah.

Jumat, 04 November 2011

CJAM Pledge Drive 2011

Hey listeners and friends,

It is time again for CJAM FM’s annual pledge drive. This years theme is Stayin’ Alive!

As a volunteer programmer for CJAM FM, community radio plays an important role in my life. Every week I donate my time and energy to contribute to our city and culture via Radio, and today I'm reaching out to you for your support. As Windsor-Detroit's not-for-profit campus-based community radio station we rely on the generosity of our listeners for our very existence. This year's modest goal is $30,000 and we need the support from every friend and family in the CJAM social network.

We are not-for-profit, volunteer-driven, grassroots alternative media, unlike anything else on the FM dial. The station relies on contributions from listeners, and without the support of folks like you, we wouldn't be able to bring important news/spoken word/ cultural/ music programming not offered by mainstream radio to the area.

This year's pledge drive runs from November 4-11, but you don't have to wait for my show to make your pledge. I know times are tight right now for everyone, but if you feel compelled could you please make a donation this year? Even small amounts help out CJAM. You can pledge online securely using paypal or credit card at http://www.cjam.ca/, or during the pledge drive by calling 519-971-3630, or for you Detroiters: 313-963-6112 extension 3630. If you do pledge, make sure that you specify which CJAM program you are pledging to in this case it would be REVOLUTION ROCK. We've got some really nice incentives this year as well, which you can check out on our website.

Thank you so much!

PS: On my next program, I will be having a special pledge drive program. There will be a unique theme to the show as well as some special CJAM guests in the studio. It will air Tuesday November 8th at 10:30 AM to Noon.

Revolution Rock

Kamis, 03 November 2011

The Distressed Status of Rock Songs

When we are saying "rock music" we now have numerous genres. There's slow rock, heavy metal, alternative and even those outdated Elvis Presley tunes are considered in the past to be rock tunes. In early 90's, we have seen and amazing growth of diverse rock bands that has added a new sub- culture in the rock genre like grunge and alternative bands like Nirvana, Green day.

Linkin park has also been grouped in the alternative rock scene although they use an innovative approach of mixing hip-hop / rap sound on their music, their approach has truly added to the popularity this form of music. But lately, the tables are generally turning in the rock music genre.

With the popularity of Justin Beiber among many teens, the state and potential of metal songs is apparently getting dark as it is pressed back even further down the underground scene and hard core metal lovers are becoming concerned. They have now created a movement designed to save the metal and rock lifestyle from being exterminated in what they call "whimp music".

From YouTube feedback to iPhone apps, these folks are established not to let the rock culture die. Even the famous game Guitar Hero has an ulterior objective and that's to help keep the love for heavy metal and rock guitar riffs in the eyes and ears of today's children. There are several iPhone applications, some are free of charge some asks for charitable contributions where you can get zero cost rock and metal songs and can even enable you to get a free ticket to a live concert.

Overly used iPhones in live shows have been a problem though, since they now allow cams in concerts, expect that insurance for iPhone to play a crucial factor as well. iPhone insurance will protect the costly phone from theft and unintended damages and iPhone insurance UK has been mainly famous to be the most complete there is in the market today when it is already allowed to bring cameras in concerts.

Now, insurance or no insurance, we can be sure more people will require part on this efforts to revive the music genre, lest Marilyn Manson is true in his song - Rock Is Dead. But I question it. The state of rock and metal rock is diminishing but with each one of these efforts being done, it'll create an impact and will impact Justin Beiber's whimpy world, one way of another. - iphone38a47x2a

The Best Hits of 90s Alternative Rock

The 1990s were an incredible decade of music. The decade ushered in a new era of music in which bubble gum pop was no longer the preferred genre of the masses. Opting for an alternative sound, so many alternative rock acts emerged during the course of this decade. With roots in Seattle, many of the best bands came out of Seattle. I'm going to list my 5 favorite alternative rock bands from the 1990s. While you may or may not agree, these are simply my opinions and I hope you enjoy them.

5. Soundgarden. Chris Cornell and crew threw together a span of great albums, and I love the sound this band had, no pun intended.

4. Weezer. This was more of the fun brand of alternative rock, and it was absolutely great. Buddy Holly and Say It Ain't So still remain two of my favorite songs of all-time.

3. Nirvana. The quintessential alternative rock band, it's a shame that their time ended in the earlier part of the decade after Kurt Cobain's suicide. I have a feeling they'd still be producing great music today if not for that.

2. Sublime. I loved this band, and it's a shame that they weren't discovered on the mainstream scene until after singer Bradley Nowell's tragic death. He was a legend and he didn't even know it.

1. Pearl Jam. I love everything about Pearl Jam, and this band of hard working rock stars is still one of the best out there today. Listen to their new CD and you'll see for yourself.